Press Releases, Town News|

McDonald City Park Splash Pad Update and Grand Opening Celebration

McDonald City Park Splash Pad Update and Grand Opening Celebration

 Lakeview, Oregon, July 7, 2023 – The J.T. McDonald Children’s Park, commonly known as the “Kiddie Park,” is close to completion. McDonald Park construction had come to a halt in June due to permits being issued by the State of Oregon in Salem. Work on the park has continued since the permits were granted.

Updated Project Timeline: Dates are estimated and are subject to change.

  • July 5 – 7, 2023 – Remainder of Splash Pad Plumbing Completion
  • July 10 – 21, 2023 – Remainder of Concrete Completion
  • July 17 – 28, 2023 – Shade Structure Completion
  • July 24 – 28, 20223 – Irrigation System and Landscaping Completion
  • August 1, 2023 – Projected Construction Completion 
  • August 11, 2023 – Grand Opening Celebration

Make a Big Splash! Grand Opening Celebration

The Town of Lakeview is excited to announce the anticipated opening of Lake County’s first splash pad. The Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting will be held at McDonald City Park on Friday, August 11, 2023, from 11am-2pm. The Mayor and Council invite you all to attend. There will be free hot dogs, chips, and water (while supplies last), music and prizes! All ages are welcome, and admission is free!

The splash pad is free of charge for community usage. The 437-square-foot Splash Pad includes: 

  • Safe place for kids to play in water. No standing water provides additional safety for children, eliminating the need for lifeguards.
  • Billy Box Turtle Aqua Spout (This nature-themed Aqua Spout emits a water crown of gentle arching streams and is ideal for ages 2-5.)
  • Six different spray features (Triple Arch, Aqua Arch, Baby Long Legs, Water Flower, Splash-O-Later and Water Weave) with a variety of PSI levels to easily accommodate zones.

The Splash Pad will create another destination and gathering spot for the community, attracting both visitors and residents of all ages. The design promotes inclusive play, motor skill improvement, cognitive development, and socialization.

The Town would like to give special thanks and recognition to the Collins Companies Foundation, the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, and the Pacific Power Foundation for their generous contribution to this community project.

For additional project details, visit

Town of Lakeview (“Town”) Town is home to approximately 2,400 persons and is in Lake County, Oregon. Town is managed by a town manager. The town manager oversees the public works department, fire department, police department and town hall administration. The public works department oversees the town’s municipal utilities (water and wastewater) and transportation system (streets). The public works crew operates and maintains the public facilities and utilities that are provided by the Town.

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Download Press Release: McDonald City Park Splash Pad Update and Grand Opening Celebration

Download Flyer: McDonald Park Grand Opening

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