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Winter Prep for Snow Clearing in Lakeview

As the winter chill sets in and we get our first significant snow on the roads, it’s time to gear up for snow plowing season. To ensure smooth and safe snow removal across town, take a moment to review these reminders:

  1.        Street Clearing Guidelines:

a.  Uptown/Downtown Business District: Typically, clear streets by 2:00 AM. Hospitals and Schools should move vehicles by 4:00 AM. Routes near these areas get priority. Times may change depending upon the storm and when it arrives.

i.      Park parallel to the curb; avoid parking at the usual angle. 

ii.      Aim for designated parking lots that are likely to be cleared of snow regularly. These locations are often safer and more accessible during snowy conditions.

iii.      Try to avoid parking near snowbanks or piles. Snow removal vehicles might deposit more snow around parked cars, making it challenging to leave later.

iv.      Look for spots that have been cleared of snow, if possible. Avoid parking in spots where snow might accumulate heavily, making it harder to exit or causing visibility issues.

b. Other residential areas: Vehicles should be moved by 8:00 AM. A single parked vehicle can hinder plowing efforts for several car lengths of curb.

c. IMPORTANT NOTE: At no time during the year shall trailers, travel trailers, motor homes, or boats be parked on the street. This ordinance is especially important when it comes time for Public Works to plow our streets. There shall be no tolerance between November 1 and March 31. All year this rule is to be followed; any person violating these provisions may be subject to towing and fines. 

2.       Watch Out for Snow Berms/Piles: Be mindful of snow berms or piles that may obstruct roads or pathways.

3.       Use Parking Brakes Properly: Engage your parking brake to prevent your car from sliding on icy surfaces, especially if parked on a slope.

4.       Be Prepared: Keep a small shovel, ice scraper, and maybe even a bag of sand or kitty litter in your car. They can be handy for clearing snow, improving traction, and getting out of slippery spots if needed.

5.       Allow Extra Time: Snowy conditions might make it harder to find a parking spot or navigate through downtown streets. Plan to arrive earlier to allow for any delays caused by weather-related issues.

6.       Snow Piling Restrictions: Residents and private snowplow companies must avoid piling snow on adjacent properties or within the town’s right-of-way and streets. Shoveling snow, dirt, or debris onto the streets is illegal and subject to fines.

7.       Driveway Care: Shovel snow from your driveway to the “downstream side” to reduce snow pushed across it during plowing.

8.       Clearing Hydrants and Sidewalks: Ensure fire hydrants remain clear of snow for easy access. Property owners and businesses are responsible for keeping their sidewalks shoveled.

9.       Street Obstructions: Remove basketball backboards and trash cans from the street to aid in plowing efforts.

10.       Tree Maintenance: Prune overhanging tree branches above streets and sidewalks to prevent damage to plowing equipment and ensure pedestrian safety. Property owners are responsible for this upkeep.

For inquiries or to report in-town snow maintenance issues, reach out to Public Works at (541) 947-2371, Public Works After-Hours (541) 407-0700 or Town Hall at (541) 947-2020. Your cooperation is appreciated in keeping Lakeview safe during the winter months. Thank you.

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