August 29, 2023, Urban Renewable Agency (URA) Updates
- The Town Council had a work session to discuss further the Urban Renewal Agency
- The Town Council requested a combined work session with the County Commissioners, posting of that meeting day and time will be on the Town’s website: Urban Renewal Agency (URA)
- There is a URA Adoption Timeline for those who have interest. Urban Renewal Agency (URA)
August 30, 2023, Town Council Updates
- Town Council tabled a motion to approve the amended and restated IGA for R3 requesting a copy of the IGA to review. This item will appear on the September 13, 2023 Town Council Agenda. Download: Revised IGA
- Ordinance No. 900 was approved establishing the Town of Lakeview’s camping regulations.
- Planning File No. 788 was approved on land identified as 39S-20E-16AC, Tax Lot 100, and more specifically described as being located on the west side of South ‘U’ Street between South 3rd Street on the south, and New Mexico Avenue (vacated) on the north.
- CSA Planning, Ltd. Contract was renewed for the FY2023-2024 for planning professional services.
- Cowboy Poetry TLT Grant application was approved for $15,000.
- Resolution No. 1156 was tabled to allow managers to distribute to their teams regarding the ethics and decorum, code of conduct policy.
- Resolution No. 1154 was approved affirming the Barry Well return Geothermal Utility Hook up is open to all non-profit, county, and for-profit buildings located on South M Street between South 9th Street and Kadrmas Road in the South Industrial Park.
- Resolution No. 1157 was approved for creating a Solar Eclipse Planning and Emergency Management Committee and to use TLT funds for the development and advertising of camping site in Bullard Canyon for the October 14, 2023, annular solar eclipse.
- Resolution No. 1155 was approved for the Town Manager to apply for a Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) grant for economic opportunities and community development for the Town of Lakeview.
- Councilor Kyle Dieter and Rhonda Dial will be moving forward with the planning of the Town of Lakeview Animal Committee to address community animal concerns.
- Congressmen Bentz held a local leadership meeting on August 23, 2023, Councilor Charlie Pike requested grant funding for Lakeview’s water infrastructure, Mayor Ray Turner requested support for Lakeview housing development.
- Chamber of Commerce Director was asked to submit a map to the Public Works Director of where the final installation of bike racks need to go around town.
September 12, 2023, Next Town Council
- Motion to approve the amended and restate IGA for R3.
- Resolution No. 1156 Town of Lakeview Ethics and Decorum, Code of Conduct.
- Lakeview Volunteer Fire Department requesting $5,000 for ZCS to perform an engineering survey to evaluate repairs needed on the EMS building and roof.
September 17, 2023, Regional Rural Revitalization (R3)
- R3 Board Meeting is September 17, 2023, the meeting agenda and virtual meeting link will be available on the Town of Lakeview’s website as well as the City of Burns website.
- HB 3410 passed awarding $11,500,000 to R3 for housing, economic and project development.
Manager Meeting Updates
- McDonald Park had its final walk-through Friday, August 25, 2023.
- Two trucks have been purchased to update the public works fleet.
- The Town of Lakeview was awarded $20,000 from Business Oregon to conduct a water, sewer and system development feasibility study on the Town of Lakeview’s water, sewer, and system fees.
- September 6 Lumen and Motorola will be at the Lakeview 911 Building adding critical updates to the 911 system.
- September 7 the State of Oregon Safe Dams and State of Oregon Water Master will be in Lakeview to inspect the Bullard Canyon Dam.
- September 11 AccTech will be in Lakeview to evaluate updates and CAD systems at 911.
- September 12 will be a Town of Lakeview Work Session on Ordinance No. 1128 (Water), 1129 (Sewer), 1130 (System Development Charges) to replace and supersede Ordinance No. 761.
- September 19 RIP City Rally in Lakeview at North E Street (between 1st and 2nd St.) between 4-6 PM on the X19 for a fun-filled community fair to close out the day. Details coming soon to the Town’s Event Calendar.
- September 26 will be a Next Renewable community open house with CEO, Chris Efrid. Updates on facility-related activities as well as a question-and-answer portion.
- Water conservation is still in effect through October 31, 2023.