Urban Renewal Agency

URA Formation and Plan Adoption

Project Summary

Project: Lakeview Urban Renewal Agency Formation and Plan Adoption Milestones

Formation of the Urban Renewal Agency and Declaration of Blight:

The first step in the formation of an urban renewal agency is to prepare a non-emergency ordinance for the Town’s town council to adopt in order to form the Lakeview Urban Renewal Agency (URA).

The form and substances of this ordinance shall be prepared in accordance with ORS 457.035 Urban renewal agencies; creation; ordinance to exercise powers; area of operation and ORS 457.045 Election of the method of exercise of urban renewal agency’s powers.

The Town adopted the non-emergency Ordinance 891 on August 23, 2022.

Purpose: form the urban renewal agency; declare that blighted areas exist in the town; document there is need for an urban renewal agency to function in the town; and elect to have the powers of an urban renewal agency exercised in accordance with ORS457.045(3) by the governing body itself, provided, however, that any act of the governing body acting as the urban renewal agency shall be, and shall be considered, the act of the urban renewal agency only and not of the governing body.

The Lakeview URA will be informed, at a minimum, by the following planning documents:

These planning documents describe the need for residential, commercial, industrial, and mixed-use improvements in the Town of Lakeview and regionally throughout Lake County to overcome blight conditions that exist within the town. As defined in ORS 457.010, “Blighted areas’ means areas that, by reason of deterioration, faulty planning, inadequate or improper facilities, deleterious land use or the existence of unsafe structures, or any combination of these factors, are detrimental to the safety, health or welfare of the community.”

Specifically, these policies document blight conditions within Lakeview in the form of:

– Land with low improvement to land (I:L) ratios indicating properties that are likely under utilized or deteriorated buildings that may be in an unsafe condition, including buildings exhibiting obsolescence, deterioration, dilapidation, mixed character, or shifting of uses; 

– Barriers to production of development of a range of housing types that are affordable to households at all income levels as described in the Lakeview Housing Needs Analysis, including parcels whose development is impeded by the faulty arrangement of structures, inadequate infrastructure, and faulty planning; 

-Access to clean, affordable, retirement and “age in place” housing within the community that meets universal design standards and lifelong housing standards for seniors and disabled persons; 

– The need for demolition, removal, and rehabilitation of existing residential, commercial, and industrial properties within Lakeview for both infill and new development; 

– Inadequate infrastructure and capital improvements to support new private-sector investments, including the existence of inadequate streets and other rights of way, open spaces and utilities;

– The potential for land assembly and public land acquisition and/or disposition to promote development and redevelopment in high-priority areas where there has historically been a prevalence of depreciated values, impaired investments, and social and economic maladjustments to such an extent that the capacity to pay taxes is reduced and tax receipts are inadequate for the cost of public services rendered.

Lakeview Urban Renewal Agency FAQs

Urban Renewal is a local government financing tool used to improve and revitalize areas within a community and to facilitate new development in the urban renewal area.  When cities and towns want to create an urban renewal area, they must first show that the area is “blighted” or undeveloped.  An urban renewal governing body (Lakeview Urban Renewal Agency) is established. An urban renewal plan is created to demonstrate how this economic development tool can help improve the area.

The Lakeview Town Council (Town Council) created the Lakeview Urban Renewal Agency (Agency) on August 23, 2022, by adopting ordinance No. 891. The Agency board of directors is comprised of the members of the Town Council. The Town Council must adopt the proposed Lakeview Urban Renewal Plan (Plan) before any funds are allocated to the Agency. If the Plan is adopted, the Agency will make the decisions on Agency fund expenditures throughout the life of the urban renewal area.

No. Urban renewal does not raise property taxes.


Urban renewal isn’t new money. Instead, money is redirected from the existing taxing districts within the Agency’s boundaries to the urban renewal agency. This shifts the impact of funding urban renewal from the taxpayers to the government (i.e., taxing districts).


An urban renewal area uses tax increment financing (TIF) to help fund projects within the identified urban renewal area. The money for urban renewal essentially comes from any new growth in property taxes within the Plan area, either from the typical annual 3% assessed value increase or through further development and significant rehabilitation.

Urban renewal has successfully grown local economies across Oregon by providing much-needed infrastructure and resources to rehabilitate buildings, facilitating new housing development, improving existing housing stock, and encouraging economic growth. Lakeview needs additional financing tools to initiate these activities.


Other central and eastern Oregon cities have successfully used urban renewal in their communities. The cities of John Day, Madras, and Burns have all implemented similar urban renewal plans to provide incentives for developing new housing in their communities. Substantial new residential development has occurred in all three communities due to this financing tool.

In Oregon, tax increment financing is authorized under Oregon Revised Statute 457, Urban Renewal. Tax increment financing, or TIF, is a tool that allows local governments to set aside property taxes generated from existing properties and development in the urban renewal area. It also creates guidelines for how money can be spent. TIF funds are used on projects that encourage public and private development. When an urban renewal area is created, the assessor establishes a “frozen base,” which is the total assessed value of all of the properties in the urban renewal area when the urban renewal plan is adopted. All taxing districts continue to receive taxes from that frozen base.

Taxing districts continue receiving all taxes on all properties outside of the urban renewal area, town-wide, and within their larger taxing district boundaries if the boundaries go beyond the Town limits. The proposed urban renewal area is determined in the Plan. Existing taxing districts continue receiving taxes on the frozen base of the properties within the urban renewal area – nothing is subtracted from their current tax base.


While the urban renewal area is in operation, all taxing districts, including the Town of Lakeview, defer receiving the taxes of the assessed value growth within the urban renewal area to the Lakeview Urban Renewal Agency. For many of these properties, growth would not otherwise occur unless there were incentives provided by urban renewal, so the actual assessed value foregone is the annual 3% assessed value increase.


The taxing districts will benefit in the short term from the urban renewal agency’s ability to help provide incentives for improving existing housing, construction of new housing, and the commercial core, making Lakeview a more livable community. The taxing districts will also receive future benefits by increased assessed values.

Lakeview’s urban renewal area focuses on commercial and residential parcels that could be developed or rehabilitated in the future. The final area will be adopted by an ordinance of the Lakeview Town Council in the URA Plan, and the financial impacts of the Plan will be presented in the report that accompanies the Plan.

The Agency will spend money on projects identified in the Urban Renewal Plan. Those projects may be in the following categories:

  • Planning and code assistance
  • Land acquisition and due diligence
  • Pre-development incentives
  • Infrastructure investments
  • Land development incentives
  • System Development Charge payments
  • New construction incentives
  • Renovation incentives
  • Research and development for plan area improvements
  • Manufactured and modular home preservation assistance

Schools and the Education Service District get their funds on a “per-pupil basis” from the State School Fund. The State School Fund is funded on a state-wide equalization formula that provides all schools with equivalent funding for their students. The funding sources include property taxes and other revenues from the State School Fund. The Oregon Legislature establishes the per-pupil funding ratios and backfills reduced property tax revenues with other funding sources.  Because of how funds are allocated to schools, the Lakeview urban renewal area will not result in the school district getting less funding than it would typically receive.

Timeline and Milestones

In order to adopt the plan and make it effective this calendar year, this timeline is recommended. Updated August 29, 2023.

TaskStart DateDue DateDuration
URA Formation (Ordinance No. 1)August 1, 2022August 23, 202222 Days
Urban Renewal PlanAugust 1, 2022October 6, 202265 Days
Urban Renewal ReportAugust 1, 2022October 6, 202265 Days
Notice to Planning Commission and Affected Tax JurisdictionsAugust 10, 2023September 24, 202345 Days
URA Board Review and Town Council Incorporation of Jurisdiction Comments; Resolution(s) Approving Maximum IndebtednessSeptember 27, 2023September 27, 20231 Day
Notice of Hearing Mailed to Property OwnersSeptember 28, 2023September 29, 20232 Days
Plan and Report posted to Town WebsiteSeptember 29, 2023September 29, 20231 Day
Publication of Notice of Intent to Adopt/Notice of Public Hearing before Town CouncilOctober 4, 2023October 11, 20237 Days
Public HearingNovember 28, 2023
Plan Ordinance AdoptionDecember 12, 2023
Notice of Ordinance Adoption PublishedTBD
Ordinance Effective DateJanuary 12, 2024

Anticipated Dates for URA Meetings


  • URA Board Meeting 1 – September 13, 2022
  • URA Board Meeting 2 – October 11, 2022
  • URA Board Meeting 3 – November 8, 2022
  • URA Board Meeting 4 – December 13, 2022


  • Town Council Meeting – April 6, 2023 (Approve URA staff to transmit the Plan and Report to Planning Commission and Tax Jurisdictions)
    • URA Board Meeting – May 23, 2023 (Approve/Reject/Incorporate Comments)
    • Town Council Meeting –  June 13, 2023 – Final Public Hearing and Ordinance Adoption
    • Town Council Work Session – August 29, 2023 at 6 PM – Discussion of the Town’s Urban Renewal Area (URA) plan. Download: Agenda
    • Town Council Work Session  – October 24, 2023 at 4:00 PM – URA Discussion
    • Town Council Regular Session – October 24, 2023 at 5:00 PM – Public Meeting for URA input 
    • Notice of Public Meeting Hearing – November 1, 2023 – Inserted into monthly billing. 
    • Town Council Regular Session – November 14, 2023, at 5:00 PM - Request for approval of updated URA map, plan and report.
    • Town Council Regular Session – November 28, 2023, at 5:00 PM – Public Meeting Hearing
    • Town Council Regular Session – December 12, 2023, at 5:00 PM – Request the adoption of the URA Ordinance. Ordinance No. 1136 was passed by unanimous vote of the Town Council on December 12, 2023.

Current URA Advisory Board Members

Ray Turner
Jay Farman
Charlie Pike
Charley Tracy
Kyle Deiter

Town Staff
Michele Parry
Shiela Strubel
Dawn Roberts

Summary and Recommendations
Ordinance 891 does not obligate the Town Council to adopt a specific program, but it does set the stage for all of the activities that will follow, including the subsequent URA board meetings. Supporting Document Download: Ordinance 891

Supporting Documents