Real Time Air Quality Index: The index is updated hourly. It tells you how clean or polluted your air is. Frequent checks will keep you well informed.

Air Quality Season

The town limits Air Quality Wood Stove Burn Advisory starts on November 1 and goes through March 1.  During this time frame there is no outdoor burning within town limits. 

Red Days: No burn days, use alternative heat.

Yellow Days: Certified wood stoves only.

Green Days: Open for all wood stove burning.

Air Quality updates are available through this website, Facebookand the reader boards at the fire station and the fairgrounds. Additionally, you can call the Air Quality line at (541) 947-5800.

Burning Restrictions

Burning in town is closed. Any questions can be directed to the Fire Department at (541) 947-2504. Thank you for your cooperation.

We are regulated to follow the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State of Oregon. EPA develops and enforces regulations that span many environmental topics, from acid rain reduction to wetlands restoration. Under the Clean Air Act (CAA), EPA sets limits on certain air pollutants, including setting limits on how much can be in the air anywhere in the United States. The Clean Air Act also gives EPA the authority to limit emissions of air pollutants coming from sources like chemical plants, utilities, and steel mills. Individual states or tribes may have stronger air pollution laws, but they may not have weaker pollution limits than those set by EPA.

LEARN MORE:   EPA | Oregon DEQ | Oregon Smoke Blog 

Get The Most Out Of Air Quality

Heating System Application

If you are interested in installing a cleaner heating system and/or receiving a small wood storage shed, please completely fill out this application. Applications are closed.

Real Time Air Quality Index Conditions

The index is updated hourly. It tells you how clean or polluted your air is. Frequent checks will keep you well informed.

Learn About Visibility

Local air quality affects how you live and breathe. Like the weather, it can change from day to day or even hour to hour.

Lakeview PM Advance Plan

Executive Summary
In 2014, the Town of Lakeview and Lake County (Lakeview area) prepared a PM Advance Plan in conjunction with DEQ. For the past six years, the Town and County have been implementing the plan and seeing the results of their efforts. Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is the biggest concern in the Lakeview area due to smoke impacts from woodstoves, fireplaces and other wood burning appliances besides wildfire smoke in the summer. Other sources of PM2.5 include open burning, prescribed burning, smoke from industrial stacks, and some road dust (a small fraction of the dust is sized PM2.5) from vehicle travel and vehicle exhaust itself such as from diesel engines.

In recent years, monitoring showed that the Lakeview area struggled to meet the 24-hour PM2.5 standard. During the 2019-2020 season, when wildfire days are removed from the analysis, PM2.5 levels were well below the standard, with the 3-year average (2018-2020) is well below the 24-hour standard. Good air quality and relatively short air stagnation events combined with compliance of the no burn ordinances helped keep the concentrations of PM2.5 lower.

Key Strategies
To continue to meet the standard, the Lakeview area will need to maintain and enhance their key strategies of reducing PM2.5 from wood stoves, open burning, industrial operations and other sources of fine particulate matter. Compliance with their town and county ordinances and ongoing public outreach and education are critical to their success. These ordinances include the mandatory wood stove curtailment and open burning requirements. The implementation of these ordinances is ongoing.

For full details download the Lakeview Area PM Advance Program Action Plan – Update September 2021.

The material contained on this website is for informational purposes only. The information on this website is NOT intended to diagnose, treat or substitute for professional medical advice. Those with medical conditions or sensitivities to smoke should seek the advice of a licensed medical provider. If more information is needed, consult a medical professional.