Prescribed forest burning is a vital technique for preserving a healthy forest and lowering dangers to public safety. Prescribed forest fire decreases forest fuels. It has also been proven that restoring periodic fire to fire-adapted landscapes reduces the likelihood for high-intensity wildfires and the massive volume of smoke created by them. In locations where controlled burning has recently occurred, fire suppression is safer, more effective, and less expensive. Prescribed forest fire also aids in the preparation of logged lands for replanting by recycling nutrients back into the soil and eliminating pests and disease. These controlled fires are started when the fire threat is minimal and the weather conditions are appropriate for shielding smoke sensitive receptor area (SSRA) residents from smoke.
Prescribed Fire, applying fire to the land following a plan, is a tool used by the Federal Agencies and some private land owners to accomplish various objectives. These objectives include, but are not limited to:
Wildfire has always been an important part of the ecological process and a natural change agent. For decades, wildland fire management organizations have pursued aggressive complete fire suppression. Fire management strategy in federal agencies has changed as a result of the information and experience accumulated over the years. The full prohibition of fire is currently seen to be damaging to the ecosystem’s functioning. The Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy and Program Review was enacted in 1995 as a result of the terrible 1994 fire season, which burned natural resources, private property, and cost the lives of 14 fire fighters on the South Canyon fire. This policy directs the use of information technology by federal agencies.
The Oregon Department of Forestry assists the Federal Agencies and private land owners in the development of plans for the application of prescribed fire. Additional details: South Central Oregon Fire Management Partnership
Please contact the Lakeview Interagency Fire Center (LIFC) at (541) 947-6315 or check the following webpage for particular prescribed burn information. The public may find out which agencies are currently performing prescribed burns, where active burns are located, residual smoke and scheduled burns, and fiscal year-to-date prescribed burning statistics on these websites.
Lakeview Ranger District: (541) 947-3334
Winter Rim Zone: (541) 943-3114
Lakeview District BLM/Lakeview Resource Area: (541)947-2177
Hart National Wildlife Refuge Complex/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Office: (541) 947-3315 | and
Check with your local ODF district, protective association office or rural fire department before burning yard debris. Burn permits are required on all ODF protected lands during fire season. Many areas prohibit all burning when fire danger increases.
Lakeview Interagency Fire Center
1000 South 9th Street, Lakeview, OR 97630
Lakeview Unit Office
2290 North 4th Street, Lakeview, OR 97630
(541) 947-3311
The material contained on this website is for informational purposes only. The information on this website is NOT intended to diagnose, treat or substitute for professional medical advice. Those with medical conditions or sensitivities to smoke should seek the advice of a licensed medical provider. If more information is needed, consult a medical professional.