Lakeview, Oregon
Facebook: Lakeview Volunteer Fire Department
Public Works Emergency After Hours
Burn Permits
911 Emergency
Dial 911
911 Non-Emergency
November 1 through March 1 there is no outdoor burning within the town’s urban growth boundary. Outdoor burning questions, call the Lakeview Volunteer Fire Department at 541-947-2504. We appreciate your help in keeping Lakeview’s air quality clean.
Download: Lake County Burn Ordinance
The Town of lakeview L.E.T.S 911 Center’s Mission is to provide optimum quality emergency 911 and dispatch services to our customers and emergency services providers. Our customers are the citizens of Lake County and the public safety agencies that utilize the services, of this center. Providing excellent service with dignity and respect.
Citizens are customers. Citizens are the most important people to our center.
Citizens are not dependent on us. We are dependent on them.
Citizens are not an interruption of our work; they are the purpose of it. We are not doing them a favor by serving them; we are fulfilling our obligation by doing so.
Citizens are not outsiders to our business; they are a part of it.
Citizens are not cold statistics-names on data files and computer printouts. They are flash and blood human beings with biases, prejudices, feelings and emotions like our own.
Citizens are not someone to argue with. It is not our job to win an argument with a citizen.
Citizens are people who bring us their needs. It is our responsibility to respond to those needs in the most effective manner possible.
With a sense of tradition, our stated purpose will be accomplished through service while remaining dedicated to the following values:
We will be responsive to Town and County needs and will accept responsibility for our decisions and actions.
We will be sensitive to the feelings of others and treat everyone with respect and dignity.
We will be forthright and truthful; we will not compromise our moral and ethical principles.
We will work together with our emergency service providers and the citizens of Lake County in sprit of cooperation and mutual respect.
We will strive to gain and maintain the confidence and support of others. We value trust in each other and a mutual trust between Emergency service providers and the communities we serve.