The Town of Lakeview’s budget process.
The 2022-2023 Fiscal Budget was adopted by the Town of Lakeview Town Council on June 14, 2022. You can access the adopted Fiscal Adopted Budget document above. For more information on the budget process, please contact the Finance Department at (541) 947-2744.
Mayor Ray Turner
Council President Sandy Wenzel
Councilor Jay Farmen
Councilor Shannon Theall
Councilor Charley Tracy
Frank Feeley
Justin Phillips
Jake Pfyl
The Town of Lakeview Budget Committee will convene May 4, 2022 at 5:00 pm in the Town Council Chambers, located at 525 North 1st Street, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2022 to June 31, 2022. The purpose of these hearings is to receive the budget message and to receive comments from the public on the budgets. Copies of the budget messages and budgets for review by the Budget Committee are included below along with supporting materials.
Virtual Meeting Room
Go To Meeting:
May 11, 2022, the Budget Committee amended and passed a budget to present to the council. The Budget Committee approved the amended budget. Download: Budget Committee Approved Budget
Official Town Council “Budget Hearing”: Town Council Regular Session – June 14, 2022 at 5:00 PM. Council meeting to change or adopt the proposed budget.
Municipal budgets must be prepared in compliance with Oregon Revised Statue Chapter 294 — County and Municipal Financial Administration. The budgeting process has four parts. The budget is: 1) prepared, 2) approved, 3) adopted, and 4) executed. The process begins in December and concludes in June, with the new budget taking effect on July 1st, the start of the Town’s new fiscal year.
Local Budget Law is designed to give the public ample opportunity to participate in the budgeting process. After the budget committee approves the budget, the town council publishes a summary of the budget and holds a public hearing, at which any person may appear for or against any item in the budget. These requirements encourage public participation in budget making. They also give public exposure to budgeted programs and fiscal policies before the Town adopts the budget.
The Town of Lakeview Charter requires the Town Manager to prepare and transmit to the council an annual budget. The Town Manager is assisted in this responsibility by a budget committee made up of local residents. The budget committee reviews and may revise the proposed budget before it is formally adopted. Download: Town of Lakeview Charter