A vision for the transportation system within the Town of Lakeview.
This TSP establishes a vision for the transportation system within the Town of Lakeview for the next 20 years, including supporting projects, programs, and studies. Once adopted, the TSP will serve as the transportation element of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.
The Town’s transportation system supports how people and goods move to, through, and within the community to get to work, school, socialize, and gather basic needs. The community relies on freight to ensure goods are available for purchase and economic vitality remains. Increasingly, people are relying on transportation facilities to achieve health objectives including robust walking and biking routes that help maintain physical and mental wellbeing. As technologies that support transportation change, the Town’s infrastructure needs may also change in response to adapting to this rapidly evolving sector. Simply put, the transportation system is the backbone of the community that supports the Town and contributes to the place that Lakeview is today and will be in the future.
Download: Lakeview Transportation System Plan
The TSP identifies the transportation facilities and services that can support the Town’s adopted Comprehensive Plan. This TSP provides for a long-term community approach to support both existing and future residents and employees within the Town through maintaining and providing changes to transportation facilities that support all users over the next 20 years.
The TSP also serves as a resource for future transportation and land use decision-making by providing:
The TSP satisfies the state’s requirements for a local transportation system plan as prescribed by Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 12: Transportation.
The TSP provides a flexible, adaptable framework for making transportation decisions in an increasingly unpredictable and financially constrained future. Decisions about the Town’s transportation system will be guided by the goals and policies contained in Chapter 2, but ultimately the decisions will be made within the overall context of the Town’s land use plans, support for local and regional Economic Development. These guiding plans and principles provide a foundation for the TSP’s goals, policies, and potential actions.
The Oregon Revised Statutes require that the TSP be based on the Comprehensive Plan land uses and provide for a transportation system that accommodates the expected growth in population and employment. Development of this TSP was guided by Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 197.712 and the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) administrative rule known as the Transportation Planning Rule (TPR, OAR 660-012).
Per the TPR, this TSP identifies multimodal transportation needs to serve users of all ages, abilities, and incomes. As such, solutions to address existing and future transportation needs for bicycling, walking, transit, motor vehicles, freight, and rail, and improved safety for all travelers are included. Further, one of the implementation steps of the TSP will include adoption of land use and land division ordinance amendments needed to protect transportation facilities and provide active transportation facilities between residential, commercial, and employment/institutional areas. Finally, as required by the TPR, this TSP was developed in coordination with local, regional, and state transportation plans.