
Burn Permit and Regulations

Apply for Permit 24 Hours in Advance

Burn Permit and Regulations

Within town limits and the urban growth boundary.

The Town Burn Advisory starts on November 1 and goes through March 1.  During this time frame there is no outdoor burning within town and the urban growth boundary limits. 

RED DAYS: No burn days, use alternative heat. YELLOW DAYS: Certified wood stoves only. GREEN DAYS: Open for all wood stove burning.


Air Quality updates are available through this website, Facebook, and the reader boards at the fire station and the fairgrounds. Additionally, you can call the Air Quality line at (541) 947-5800.

  1. Waste may not be burned, natural materials only not containing or coated in any synthetic materials.

  2. Open burn piles shall not exceed 6 feet in diameter and 4 feet in height, shall have 6 foot clearance around the pile and shall not be closer than 20 feet from any combustible material.

  3. Must be continuously attended by an adult 18 years of age or older who has immediate access to a pressurized hose.

  4. Must be commenced and completed between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on the date the permit is issued.

  5. Permits will be issued on green days only.
For burning outside the town limits and urban growth boundary, please consult Oregon Department of Forestry for current regulations at:

Burn Permit